GraalVM Native Image Demo - JFace and Draw2D

Draw2D is a lightweight layout and rendering toolkit building on top of SWT. It may not as powerful as Java Swing or JavaFX, it’s very useful for displaying graphical components. This article will show you how to build a stand-alone native Java application with JFace and Draw2D, and GraalVM native image.

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Native GUI application with SWT and Skija on Raspberry Pi

To create a Java GUI with native look and feel at native performance, SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit) is a good choice. With Skija, it got even more powerful. And finally it’s able to create a real native application with the help of the GraalVM native image.

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Raspberry Pi 4 USB dual boot

A stable version of the Raspberry Pi 4 bootloader with USB boot support is now available, that make USB multi boot much easier. This article will show you how to install Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite and Raspberry Pi OS (64 bit) beta in one USB driver without 3rd tools.

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